Massage Therapist – A Practice of Massage

Dan Hendrix, LMT #404
Since I practice mostly Medical Massage as well as some sports massage let me supply some generic information.
Medical massage is outcome-based massage.
It includes the application of specific treatment targeted to the specific problem a client presents as a result of a medical diagnosis.
The most common could broadly be labeled as simply pain.
With a presumed medical diagnosis by a doctor the assessment/evaluation by the medical massage therapist is also objective.
That with specific outcomes being the basis for massage, treatment.
This can also be called clinical massage or treatment massage.
There is not one technique that is medical massage.
It is more over using some styles of massage and applying that technique to various conditions.
A neurologist in Philadelphia, PA, Professor Silas Weir Mitchell, (1829-1914) may have been the first.
That to bring therapeutic massage to the attention of the US medical community.
So western massage has been considered to be medical massage, since the mid-1800s.
English Physician, William Murrell, wrote in 1886, the text “Massage as a Mode of Treatment.”
Sixteen years later in Boston Massachusetts, Douglas Graham, MD of authored “Manual Therapeutics.”
These physicians both focus those text on the treatment of specific diseases and disorders by the method of therapeutic massage.
Massage was also described in the medical literature in Europe during the nineteenth century.
Massage was taught at medical institutions during that time.
M.Y. Mudrov, MD used massage and movement exercises in Russia.
Medical massage was popular in Russia as early as the late 1700s.
Massage as medical practice is still relatively common in Russia today.
Dr. Harvey Kellogg published a classic textbook in 1985.
“The Art of Massage, Its Physiological Effects and Therapeutic Actions.”
Since then the both the quality and volume of works on the subject has grown at an accelerating clip.
Organizations like The American Medical Massage Association are also promoting this growth and improvement as well as other groups.
I have been a professional in both massage and exercise for nearly four decades.
I often combine various aspects of both.
That to solve problems and achieve goals for my clients.
I first tested into the American Medical Massage Association over twenty years ago.
I have practiced massage, as a professional, for almost forty years.
I have studied massage in Boston, Washington, Chicago, Detroit, Salt Lake City, Palm Springs, Albuquerque, New Orleans, Atlanta, Nashville, Memphis, Chattanooga, Knoxville, Kingsport, Orlando, Miami, and Destin, among others.
I taught the subject, as a guest lecture at the Univ. of TN. Physical Therapy School.
I was part of the Medical Support Team in the Athlete’s Village, during the Atlanta Olympic Games.
These are just a few highlights from my professional career as a massage therapist.